19 Best Things to Do in Shonan 2024

Best Things to Do in Shonan

Shonan, a picturesque region stretching along Japan’s Pacific coast, is a tapestry of cultural richness and natural splendor. In this guide to the best things to do in Shonan, we dive into a world where the rhythmic waves of the Pacific meet a landscape brimming with historical sites, culinary delights, and serene natural beauty. From the vibrant beaches of Enoshima to the tranquil hot springs of Yugawara, Shonan offers a diverse array of experiences.

Whether you’re a surfer chasing the perfect wave, a history enthusiast eager to explore ancient temples, or a foodie looking to savor local seafood, Shonan has something special for you. Join us as we embark on a journey through Shonan, discovering the top activities and attractions that make this region a captivating destination for travelers seeking both adventure and relaxation.

In this guide, we define the Shonan area broadly, covering not only Fujisawa including Enoshima and Chigasaki but also extending from Yugawara in the west to Hayama in the east.

1. Relax at Enoshima Beach

Enoshima Beach

Enoshima Beach offers a quintessential coastal experience with its inviting sands and vibrant atmosphere. It’s a haven for beach enthusiasts, whether they’re looking to soak up the sun, take a leisurely swim, or catch some waves with surfing. The beach’s popularity isn’t just due to its natural beauty; it’s also because of the lively ambiance that surrounds it.

Visitors can enjoy local cuisine at nearby eateries or partake in seasonal events that bring the community together. The picturesque setting, combined with the rhythmic sound of waves, makes Enoshima Beach an ideal spot for those seeking relaxation or a fun day out by the sea.

2. Visit Enoshima Samuel Cocking Garden and Enoshima Sea Candle

Enoshima Sea Candle

Enoshima Samuel Cocking Garden, nestled on Enoshima Island, is a botanical gem that hosts an array of exotic plants. The garden’s history intertwines with the legacy of British merchant Samuel Cocking, whose fascination with botany led to the establishment of this green oasis. A stroll through these lush grounds is a sensory journey, with vibrant colors and fragrant scents all around.

The highlight is the Enoshima Sea Candle, a lighthouse observation tower that offers breathtaking panoramic views of the sea and surrounding landscape. The fusion of horticultural splendor and stunning sea vistas makes this attraction a must-visit for nature lovers and photography enthusiasts.

3. Experience Enoshima Aquarium

Enoshima Aquarium

Enoshima Aquarium is a window into the marine world, showcasing a diverse range of aquatic life from Sagami Bay and the broader Pacific Ocean. The aquarium is renowned for its engaging exhibits that not only display an array of marine species but also educate visitors about marine ecology and conservation efforts. Highlights include mesmerizing jellyfish displays, interactive touch pools, and dynamic live feedings that captivate audiences of all ages.

The aquarium also features special exhibitions that delve into specific marine ecosystems, offering a deeper understanding of the underwater world. It’s an ideal destination for families, marine enthusiasts, and anyone curious about the wonders of the ocean.

4.  Surf at Shonan’s Beaches

Surf at Shonan’s Beaches

Shonan’s beaches offer a paradise for surf enthusiasts. These beaches are not just sandy retreats but a surfer’s haven, boasting a range of surfing spots that cater to all skill levels. From gentle waves perfect for beginners to challenging swells for the experienced, each beach along Shonan’s coastline brings its unique character to the surfing experience.

Among these, Chigasaki Beach stands out as a popular surfing destination known for its inviting waves and vibrant surf culture. The beach is a favorite among surf enthusiasts, offering conditions suitable for both novices and skilled surfers. The laid-back atmosphere of Chigasaki Beach, combined with the sound of the waves and panoramic ocean views, creates the perfect setting for a day of surfing. Local surf shops at Chigasaki provide equipment rentals and surfing lessons, catering to everyone looking to enjoy the thrill of riding the waves. Apart from surfing, Chigasaki Beach is also an ideal spot for beachgoers to relax, sunbathe, and enjoy the scenic beauty of the Shonan coastline.

Surfing in Shonan isn’t just about the sport; it’s about embracing a lifestyle where the ocean becomes a playground. The beaches, including Chigasaki, also host numerous surfing competitions and events, making them vibrant hubs for the surfing community. Whether you’re catching your first wave at Chigasaki or looking to hone your skills along the Shonan coastline, these beaches are the ultimate destinations for surfers.

5. Walk along the Shichirigahama Beach

Shichirigahama Beach

Shichirigahama Beach is a scenic marvel where the horizons of Mount Fuji and the vast ocean meet. A walk along this beach is an experience that combines natural beauty with a sense of tranquility. The picturesque views of Mount Fuji in the distance create a postcard-perfect backdrop, especially during the sunset hours when the sky paints itself in hues of orange and pink.

This beach is not just a visual treat but also a place of solace, where the sound of the waves creates a rhythmic harmony with nature. Ideal for leisurely strolls or reflective moments, Shichirigahama Beach is a reminder of nature’s serene beauty amidst our bustling lives.

6.  Visit Kamakura’s Great Buddha

Kamakura’s Great Buddha

A short trip from Shonan takes you to the historic city of Kamakura, home to the Great Buddha. This colossal bronze statue, known in Japanese as Daibutsu, stands as a testament to Japan’s rich cultural and spiritual history. The Great Buddha, with its overwhelming presence and serene expression, offers an awe-inspiring sight.

Visitors from around the world are drawn to this iconic statue, not just for its historical significance, but for the peaceful ambiance that surrounds it. The surrounding temple grounds provide a tranquil setting, perfect for contemplation and admiration of ancient artistry. Visiting Kamakura’s Great Buddha is more than just a tourist activity; it’s a journey into the heart of Japanese heritage.

7. Join a Traditional Tea Ceremony

Traditional Tea Ceremony

In the tranquil settings of Kamakura, traditional tea houses offer an immersive experience into the serene world of the Japanese tea ceremony. This cultural activity is more than just drinking tea; it’s a spiritual and aesthetic ritual that embodies the principles of harmony, respect, purity, and tranquility.

Participating in a tea ceremony allows you to experience the meticulous preparation of matcha (powdered green tea) and learn about the philosophical and cultural significance behind each gesture and utensil used. The experience is not only a taste of traditional Japanese hospitality but also a deep dive into the country’s rich cultural heritage, making it a must-do for anyone seeking to understand the essence of Japan.

8. Hike the Trails of Miura Peninsula

Miura Peninsula

The Miura Peninsula offers a network of hiking trails that weave through picturesque landscapes, offering stunning scenic views and a close encounter with nature. These trails range from easy walks to more challenging hikes, catering to outdoor enthusiasts of all levels.

As you hike, you’ll be greeted with breathtaking vistas of the surrounding ocean, lush greenery, and diverse flora and fauna. The trails often lead to hidden gems such as secluded beaches, historical sites, and local villages, making each hike a unique adventure. Whether you’re seeking a leisurely walk or a vigorous trek, the trails of Miura Peninsula provide an excellent way to explore the natural beauty of the Shonan area.

9. Try Local Seafood


Shonan is renowned for its fresh seafood, making it a paradise for seafood lovers. The area’s proximity to the ocean ensures a bounty of the freshest catch, served in a variety of traditional and innovative dishes. From succulent sashimi to hearty seafood stews, each dish is a culinary exploration of the region’s flavors. Local specialties include Shirasu (whitebait), often served over rice, and an array of seafood freshly grilled or prepared in local styles.

Visiting local markets or dining at coastal restaurants offers a delightful experience to sample these seafood delicacies, each telling a story of Shonan’s rich maritime heritage and culinary expertise.

10. Explore Manazuru Peninsula

Manazuru Peninsula

Manazuru Peninsula is a hidden gem for nature lovers and hiking enthusiasts. The peninsula offers a blend of rugged coastlines, dense forests, and hiking trails that reveal the natural beauty of the Shonan area. Hiking here means traversing paths that offer stunning views of Sagami Bay, with occasional glimpses of Mount Fuji on clear days.

The coastline is dotted with picturesque fishing villages, adding a cultural dimension to the exploration. For those interested in geology, the peninsula also features unique rock formations. Birdwatchers and nature photographers will find the peninsula a haven, with its rich biodiversity and serene landscapes.

11. Visit Tsujido Seaside Park

Tsujido Seaside Park

Tsujido Seaside Park is a coastal haven that provides a perfect setting for family outings. With its expansive beach, the park is ideal for various beach activities, from sunbathing to beach sports. The park’s well-maintained recreational facilities include playgrounds, picnic areas, and a seaside pool, ensuring entertainment for all ages.

The park also hosts seasonal events and festivals, adding to its vibrant atmosphere. The combination of natural beauty and recreational amenities makes Tsujido Seaside Park a favorite among both locals and tourists. Whether it’s for relaxation or active leisure, the park offers a delightful escape with something for everyone in the family to enjoy.

12. Explore Odawara Castle

Odawara Castle

Odawara Castle, a beautifully reconstructed symbol of Japan’s feudal past, stands as a testament to the country’s rich history. The castle’s architecture and the surrounding park provide a picturesque setting, ideal for both history enthusiasts and casual visitors. Inside, the castle houses historical exhibits that narrate the tales of samurai, ancient battles, and the castle’s significance in Japanese history.

The observation deck at the top of the castle offers panoramic views of the city and the surrounding landscape. The castle grounds are equally enchanting, with seasonal flower displays, traditional tea houses, and occasional cultural events, making a visit to Odawara Castle a culturally enriching experience.

13. Soak in Yugawara Onsen

Yugawara Onsen

Yugawara Onsen, nestled in a scenic valley near Shonan, is celebrated for its therapeutic hot springs that have been soothing visitors for centuries. This onsen (hot spring) area is renowned for its rich mineral waters, believed to have healing properties for both body and mind. The experience of soaking in these natural hot springs, surrounded by lush greenery and serene landscapes, is an epitome of relaxation.

Yugawara offers a variety of onsen experiences, from traditional ryokans (Japanese inns) to modern spa resorts. Each establishment provides a unique way to experience the Japanese onsen culture, complete with tranquil baths and exceptional hospitality.

14.  Visit Oiso Long Beach

Oiso Long Beach

Oiso Long Beach is a popular seaside park in Shonan, known for its expansive sandy shores and a wide range of recreational activities. It’s a perfect destination for a day of fun and relaxation by the sea. The park features swimming pools, water slides, sports facilities, and playgrounds, making it ideal for families and beach enthusiasts.

Visitors can enjoy sunbathing, swimming in the ocean, or participating in various beach sports. The park also offers dining and shopping options, adding convenience to your beach day. With its diverse amenities and lively atmosphere, Oiso Long Beach is a favorite summer spot for both locals and tourists.

15.  Attend Hiratsuka Tanabata Festival

Hiratsuka Tanabata Festival

The Hiratsuka Tanabata Festival, held in July, is one of Japan’s largest and most vibrant celebrations of the Tanabata festival. This event transforms the city of Hiratsuka into a colorful spectacle with elaborate bamboo decorations, streamers, and traditional lanterns. Visitors can immerse themselves in the festive atmosphere, with streets lined with food stalls, game booths, and live performances.

The festival is rooted in a romantic story from Japanese folklore and celebrates the meeting of two deities represented by stars. Attending the Hiratsuka Tanabata Festival offers a unique cultural experience, filled with traditional music, dance, and an array of activities that capture the essence of Japanese summer festivities.

16. Explore Samukawa Shrine

Samukawa Shrine

Samukawa Shrine stands as one of the most significant Shinto shrines in the region, attracting visitors with its spiritual significance and architectural beauty. This ancient shrine, surrounded by lush greenery, offers a peaceful retreat from the hustle and bustle of daily life. It is renowned for its unique ability to grant protection and clear misfortune, drawing worshippers seeking blessings and guidance.

The shrine’s grounds are beautifully maintained, featuring traditional torii gates, a serene pond, and well-preserved buildings that reflect the elegance of Japanese architecture. Visiting Samukawa Shrine provides a deeper understanding of Shinto traditions and a chance to experience Japan’s spiritual culture in a tranquil setting.

17. Relax at Zushi Beach

Zushi Beach

Zushi Beach is celebrated for its scenic beauty and relaxed atmosphere, making it an ideal spot for a peaceful beach getaway. Known for its clear waters and clean sandy shores, the beach offers a perfect setting for swimming, sunbathing, and leisurely beach walks. Visitors can enjoy the picturesque view of sailboats dotting the horizon, against the backdrop of distant mountains. The beach is also equipped with facilities such as showers and changing rooms, ensuring a comfortable experience. In addition to its natural beauty, Zushi Beach is close to a variety of cafes and restaurants, where one can savor local delicacies while enjoying the serene beachside ambience.

18. Stroll in Hayama Imperial Villa Park

Hayama Imperial Villa Park

Hayama Imperial Villa Park, surrounding the esteemed Imperial Villa, is a picturesque destination in Shonan known for its exquisite beauty and serene atmosphere. This park offers a tranquil escape where visitors can enjoy leisurely strolls along well-maintained paths, surrounded by lush greenery and blooming flowers.

The park boasts spectacular sea views, making it a perfect spot for photography enthusiasts and nature lovers. Its location along the coastline provides a refreshing breeze and a sense of peace away from the city’s hustle. Hayama Imperial Villa Park is not just a place of natural beauty but also a window into Japan’s imperial history and architectural elegance.

19. Take a Day Trip to Hakone


A short journey from Shonan, Hakone is a must-visit destination famous for its hot springs, natural beauty, and rich cultural offerings. This mountainous area offers a diverse range of experiences, from relaxing in rejuvenating onsen (hot springs) to exploring art museums and historical sites.

Nature lovers will be captivated by Hakone’s scenic landscapes, including Lake Ashi and the lush Hakone Gora Park. The area also offers stunning views of Mount Fuji on clear days. Whether seeking relaxation, cultural exploration, or outdoor adventures, a day trip to Hakone is an enriching experience that complements any visit to the Shonan region.

As our exploration of Shonan comes to an end, it’s clear that this enchanting region offers more than just scenic beach views and surfing spots. The best things to do in Shonan, ranging from historical excursions in Odawara to leisurely strolls in Hayama, provide a glimpse into the heart and soul of this dynamic area.

Shonan is a place where every visit is a new adventure, a chance to create lasting memories whether you’re soaking in an onsen or experiencing the lively local festivals. For those planning their itinerary or dreaming of a coastal getaway, remember that Shonan is a treasure trove of experiences, each waiting to be discovered. Let this guide be your compass to the best activities in Shonan, and prepare to be captivated by the unique charm and vibrant spirit of this beloved region of Japan.

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